
Puzzle Storm suggestion: option to hide ongoing run score

I'm really enjoying this new mode and I am also happy that it's different from puzzle rush of the other site.

What I'm requesting in this post is the possibility to hide temporarily the score of an ongoing run so that I see the result only at the end when time is up. This is because when I play I tend to look at the remaining time and sometimes I happen to see the score and if I'm close to my record, when I see the score number I start going under pressure and thinking that's my chance to beat the record and obviously I fail because instead of focusing exclusively on the puzzle I think of the score.
So what I'm suggesting is a sort of zen mode for puzzle storm where you can focus only on the board because you don't see anything else but the clock.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one having this problem but I also realize it's nothing too important. Would be awesome if we could have it though. Thanks.
hello.yeah that would be cool since i am playing with zen mode it would be great .i agree
While I fully support your suggestion - it would be a great improvement to avoid getting nervous at the end and rushing moves, I would like to provide you with a cheap workaround, available to everyone :-)
You can just place a sheet of paper with scotch-tape over your screen covering the part where you see the clock ticking town and the scores. That should help! :D
You can do this with a userstyle since the CSS class which has the time remaining, puzzles solved, streak, etc is different from the class which is used to display the final stats of the run. For anyone who wants to do this, just put this code into an extension for userstyles like Stylus.

.storm__side {display:none;}


Edit: in #10 Deadban says he wants to hide the score and see the clock; to only hide the score, the code is:

.storm__solved__text {display:none;}
@Deadban Why not just resize the board and then adjust the browser window to hide the clock?
#7 and #9
I don't wanna hide the clock, I wanna hide the score and see the clock.

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