
IM Sparklehorse

WELL if sparkle horse dont want to lose with time.. he shouldn't accept a 5 min games.. i can't believe a IM is crying over flag lost.. well think and move faster mister IM sparkle horse.. LOL some1 buy baby shampoo for the IM sparkle guy so he wont get teary eyes.
This is not a draw. The last computer evaluation is +3.3. If white had managed his time better, he would have won with 66...b5, 67...c5 and that's all she wrote, as Maurice would say.
Lol dude I played bad for the last few moves to try and flag him.... it was 0.00 before I did this xD. And As somebody who knows Maurice Ashley personally he would understand.
I was on andyquibler's stream when he first played against IM sparklehorse.
I was on sparklehorse's stream when andyquibler came and tried to annoy people there.

1: andyquibler is a very immature kid.
2: while he's right about flagging being part of chess, what he did by coming on sparklehorse's stream trying to make fun of him was way out of line
3: to further prove my point that he's an immature attention seeker, he also started this thread

In conclusion, flagging is OK, but acting like a child and annoying people is not.
Could you please give a concrete example? I like to think of myself as a reasonable human being and any advice you would give me i'm sure i'll take into consolidation.
Well, maybe I was too harsh.
I was on your stream, and you ... are a kid. No two ways about it, it's simply your age, so I shouldn't ask for too much.

But as I said, coming on sparklehorse's stream and obviously trying to make fun of him with your remark, was out of line.
Making this thread was not the best idea either.
You are correct about flagging though.

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