
Would you rather... (Level 100 question)

Falsehood. Since good people would never love falsehood, and therefore it would never be around ever again.

Thereafter, just don't ask anybody about how their pants make them look.
The options appeared to have been left open for creation. I apparently didn't grasp your intention.

I interpreted the "..." to be a blank to be filled in. I see now that you merely intended to continue on from the title.

I wonder who would wish not to be "loved by everyone," and why they would wish it. It would seem to guarantee a certain number of hugs and treats -- indeed, it would be a spaniel's life!

On the other hand, solitary confinement seems like it would "get old" eventually, even if I had a chess board and one of Lakdawala's excellent books at hand.

Carry on, your lordship.
@LordSupremeChess said in #1:
> ...never be around anyone ever again, OR, be loved by everyone.
What does "be loved by everyone" mean? People will run after me like little chicken, or people will just be fond of me as a friend?
@WassimBerbar said in #6:
> What does "be loved by everyone" mean? People will run after me like little chicken, or people will just be fond of me as a friend?
The first option.
I could use a little chicken right now. Although friends might be useful, too.
I would go with option one probably. I’m assuming neither of these options apply to post death situations of course.

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