
Rigid system of punishments

Lichess has a very harsh punishment system. I think the system needs to be changed, let's say for the first violation of the rules to give a punishment for 2-3 weeks, with a display in a personal profile. With such a punishment, you lose users, for example, it doesn’t matter to me where to play, I can safely go to competitors!
There is an appeal system, why not use it? ( doesn't appear it took you very long though to get restricted after joining the site.
If you join a different chess-playing site and use assistance you'll be banned by those sites too.

From what you posted above you appear to be admitting you violated the rules, and that wasn't really very fair on your opponent was it?
I agree, the punishment system borders religious bigottry, and incentivises one to register new profiles to get rid of the taint.

The appeal feature is largely useless.

Also, the forum is full of sarcasm and bullies who are, somehow, not muted.

That is my experience on here.
earlpurple it's not about how much I'm on the site, and how I broke. Both a novice and an experienced can break. The correct system of punishment will give everyone a chance to correct! For example, for theft, they don’t put them in jail for life, but give a person a couple of years to correct!
Yes, anyone can break the rules and they'll know the consequences. Meanwhile if you just play fair, like I and most of the others do, you'll be welcomed on the site. The thing is, we want a fair game. We don't mind getting beaten fairly, and can learn from the experience.

Maybe for sandbagging you might get a warning and temporary ban. For engine use it should be ban forever, no need for any warning.
Actually I see you have been on the site for over 2 years and your ban was fairly recent. I don't know what game it was, but I'm assuming those who banned you had sufficient evidence and you seem to admit you did it.
I gave my account to a stronger player. Now the conversation is not about me! Every beginner is tempted to use the engine! And for such a first violation you can not ban at all!
translate google - sorry. For the first use of the engine, give a punishment for 1 month, for example, something like this.
@earlpurple said in #5:

> Maybe for sandbagging you might get a warning and temporary ban. For engine use it should be ban forever, no need for any warning.

Dude, second warning sandbagging life ban very harsh. i must have introduced between 500-1000 people to Lichess. You ban me for life like that and I will never recommend Lichess again ever. So it really is double edged to be over authoritarian and draconian.
@VadimTortik said in #7:
> I gave my account to a stronger player. Now the conversation is not about me! Every beginner is tempted to use the engine! And for such a first violation you can not ban at all!

Why would you need to do that? The stronger player should create their own account (it's free) and use it to play.

You then say every beginner is tempted to use an engine: I'm sure everyone is tempted but also knows it's cheating.

Engine use during a game is not permitted. Engine use to analyse opening lines outside of play-time is permitted and what everyone does, including the top GMs, which is pretty much why Magnus Carlsen wants to quit, as he feels a lot of it is now about the opening preparation and memorisation of the best engine lines, and less about talent and thinking. He knows the game at that level far better than the rest of us, and he's probably right.

We have a feature on this site to run an Analysis of your game, and a "learn from your mistakes" feature such that you can see what the engine thinks the right move was in that position. If you play that opening again, and you probably will, then next time you can play the right move if that position comes up. You'll have to continue yourself after that, but with that extra bit of help you might get into a better position out of the opening.

There are ways to legally use the engine to improve your game. And then of course there is just plain cheating.

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