
Who is Rebecca Harris?

OK, so I was watching Magnus play in the lichess titled tournament earlier today, and everyone was commenting about the player in second place Rebecca Harris. Apparently, no one had heard of her previously, and everyone was trying to figure out who she is.

Any ideas, crazy theories and/or conspiracies?

I personally think Magnus created a second account to screw around with people, I don't know though.
RebeccaHarris cannot be Magnus. They were playing each other and at the same time in the Lichess Titled Arena. Rebecca Harris is Daniel Naroditsky.
> Rebecca Harris is Daniel Naroditsky.
Where is the proof?
Yeah, it was probably Magnus playing with his left hand...
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"I personally think Magnus created a second account to screw around with people", — in what kind of world are you living? Unless Magnus is a quantum being, he can't play two games at the same time.

"Apparently, no one had heard of her previously", this is not a new account, he used to play on this account long before.
With this bullet performance, it could be Naka! but why would smbd name himself like that xD

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