
Some opponents are like this :(

[black]learn to resign faggot
[black]how embarrassing
[black]to be humiliated like that
[black]you're too weak for me sorry
[black]get the fuck out of my sight
[black]you're my bitch now
[black]i own you
Rematch offer sent
Rematch offer declined
It happens and it really sucks when it does. One thing you can do is just turn off the chat if it starts to get to you.

Although in my experience for every bad apple there is a good one too. I'll encounter an anon or other player, usually much stronger, that will play a friendly game and say gg. As a new player I really appreciate when the community responds this way. It is just unfortunate when someone hides behind an Anon session to trash talk other players.
Why do you play with them?
Unsportive behavior -> information to moderators -> ban -> everyone is happy.
Probably exactly the same guy/girl as this one:

Game 1:
[black]it's over little bitch just resign

Game 2:
[white]stupid cunt
[white]lost with the white pieces
Caustic: Yeah, you're good at this, so what?
[white]fat tub of lard fucking brit
CausticAnyone can sit in a darkened room and get good at something.
[white]Brits are mind numbly stupid
Caustic: Mind numbly?
Caustic: Nice.
[white]No brit GMs in top 10
[white]lulz how does that make you feel?
[white]fucking bitch
Caustic: Class A troll, congrats.

The last comment and subsequent ragequit were when I beat him/her with the black pieces.

Are IP bans possible or is that heavy handed?
Why have to insult that way? When I lose a game like a minute ago a thanks my oponent for playing. Be nice.
Is it possible to only allow users to chat? I have seen that at several other chessites, and it is a good damn reason for it..
I can't believe that someone with such a language is good at chess and without even seeing the games I'd bet those guys also cheat...
He'd have been a bit of a specialist cheater if he was cheating in my games, cos he'd have been using Atomkraft, and he knew some serious mainlines at Atomic, I personally think it was someone who's been on the site who just wants anonymity in order to troll people. So it goes. I bet they're real happy about themselves inside (not).

If I remember correctly, moderators can do an IP-ban, but for anonymous users there is no data stored.

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