
Level of play at 1800-1900

I must say, not to be a wet blanket, but the variation of chess skill at the 1800-1900 play is shocking. It's almost as if some AI is trying to compensate for the insanity of online chess. Whatever, but, 3 inaccuracies, in a game with 30+ moves is suspiciously gm at an 1800 level. And, me taking a queen on the 9th move is laughable from someone rated 1850.

I don't trust a thing on this site. None of us should. I wish there was a Turing test for this site.
Agree. For some months ago I was a litle above 2100 in blitz. Now I am knocked down to 1900. I have also been on1800. There is in my opinion no diference in playing strength in most of the players between 1800 to 2150 in blitz here in lichess. I dont know Why. Often times players araound 1800-1900 play just as good as those I met when I was above 2100. There is as you say very many players that play like GM’s. It sure feels like that often times. And sometimes 1800-1900 rated players blunders like they are 700 rated players (I also do that sometimes tough). As did several of those I met above 2100. Many blunders like that in openings. Then they play stunningly precise. Very much strange here in these levels: 1800-2150
Its like i was saying in another forum thread,
these guys are getting better ( from 1600 onwards)
Thats why i gave up following standard chess principles, such as " dont move the same piece twice"
or "dont bring your Queen out early...."
Try to confuse your Opponents.
Look for safe squares and repeat certain Queen moves, or other waiting moves.
That means they trained harder. They know and played the opening more and tactical pattern radar are sharper than you do. Online chess players got stronger since the pandemic.
Ya think that's the answer to the range of play between 1800-1900 Joselito? That's a bit simplistic. So if everyone trained more during the pandemic, everyone would be playing at a higher level. My personal and paranoid feeling is that it is an AI that is feeding this issue, and it is bizarre.
@oldrusty said in #1:
> I must say, not to be a wet blanket, but the variation of chess skill at the 1800-1900 play is shocking.

Lichess is mystical.....
In my experience and observation there is a difference between 2000-2200 and 18-1900 and a lot of it is initiative.. keeping the tempo, keeping the tension, counterattacking and defending... i have also notices 18-1900's are more easily tilted .. or set the game out already defeated and try to trade, trade .. or check your way into a losing position... also 18-1900 when in a position where its unclear what to do will compromise their pawn structure , especially their king side pawns... my main strategy for defeating such players in this range is: hold the position, put pressure on it, wait for them to over extend, blockade and collect pawns.. that's when they do not out right blunder...

---You will always make mistakes, and blunder ..
all in all making a few slight adjustments and playing pro active can lead to a massive boost in rating up until 2200ish..
Dooey? Right, that is the distinction between an 1800-1900 and a 2000 level player. But the question is the variability of play within the 1800-1900 level.
@oldrusty the variabilty probably comes from it being online chess.. games are not as serious and sometimes people just play like garbage.. sometimes 1800's do play like 2300 but most of the time they don't.. and sometimes 2300's play like 1900's but its few and far between... thats the human factor
Hmmm, I don't think that is the answer. But, we will never know.

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