
Material Chess Variant.

I dont know if this is an actual variant. or if there is another name for. I used to play it as a kid.

Basically the rules are the same except there are no checks or checkmates. Castling is the same except the king can move through or into a check . The king can be captured. And the pawn promotion rules are the same.

It was basically a last man (peice) standing type of game where the player with more material at the end was the winner.

Although sometimes it ended up in weird perpetual check type of positions where a queen would be chased around the board by 2 knights and a bishop etc.

I guess you would have to get some type of computer evaluation and declare those type of positions where no progress to be made as a win for the player with more material.

What do you guys think? Would it be worth playing? or is it too simple?
I think that I've played that a few times. Seems interesting.

The draws couldn't really be determined by computer analysis. They'd just need to be determined by either the 50 move rule or 3 fold repetition.
Yeah, hmm... The only issue I see is defining at what point the game ends.

I think if the losing side only has one piece left : that would be a good point to end it. and simply look at the value of the pieces to determine who has won.

For example two rooks (10) vs one queen(9) : win for the rooks.
Knight+Rook(8) vs queen(9) : win for the queen

The problem is the game could still reach a point with the losing side having two pieces left and the winning side not being able to capture/trap one of them and ending the game.

I think the 50 move rule might be a bit excessive and take too long. Players might agree to a draw or stubbornly play on.

Anyways, If any of you have any opinions about it. I'd love to know.

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