
chess puzzle

because of puzzles like that or puzzles that I get wrong by one move, which happens EVERY TIME I SOLVE them I might just quit chess,because I try my best and it is not good enough, I GIVE MY BEST IN GAMES, PUZZLES YOU NAME IT IN CHESS, BUT IT IS always WRONG , SO i might just quit for good.
If it ended after Ned6 or Ncd6 (yes this variant is slightly worse — -2.1 against -2.66, but still acceptable, but of course the tactics trainer fails it), this could be treated as a defensive puzzle, keeping the piece up, but the puzzle keeps going and going with many possible variations and many of which are failed btw. That is totally unreasonable, just downvote it.
Haha, funny fact — Bb7 (the move suggested by the tactic after Bf4) is a mistake according to Stockfish itself (eval drops from -3 to -1.4).
Moves h5, Ba6 are "good moves, but you can do better".
And the best move Qf6 is failed.

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